Secret Energy of Miracles

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Access this Exclusive Masterclass recording of Sheevaun teaching her time-tested and proven secrets to prosperity. Previously only available to her top students.


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Secret Energy of Miracles

Total due $499

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You Will Achieve...

  • Basics and Advanced Understanding the Energy Container & Raising Your Vibration
  • Expanding your energy while working
  • How Your Mind Traps You and How to Release it From Chaos
  • How to Stay Out of Chaotic Circumstances
  • Discovering the words that empower or disempower and validating these for a better life.
  • The Law of Contribution and How to Make it Work for You
  • Get grounded and turn your DNA on to the highest and best possibility of your success and soul.
  • Releasing stress energy preventing you from ease and grace and a calm demeanor.
  • How to truly let go and get out of negative situations/poopieville.
  • Balance Your Brain and to have greater spiritual connection
  • and much, much more...