Priceless Meditations and
Ancient Techniques for Spiritual Advancement
What is Soul
Ancient meditations kept secret for centuries.
These techniques allow you to accelerate the UNION of your incarnated soul (often described as the personality or lower self) with your Higher Soul (Higher Self).
This phenomenon is known as Soul Realization, Enlightenment or Self Realization or Connecting to Spirit. The Higher Soul is the Divinity within all of us – No matter what religion we are or are not!
Your life improves exponentially with CREATIVITY, bringing INNER QUIET and PEACE through the use of this meditation.

DISCOVER the Nature of Your Soul and its journey through timeless incarnations.
Learn how your Soul chooses your parents and place of birth to help you fulfill your Highest Path and Purpose.

Learn the inner teachings of the Blue Pearl, the 12th Chakra, the Silver Cords and the Medical Caduceus to raise the Kundalini Shakti...

EMBODY your Soul PURPOSE, Achieve Oneness and Improve awareness, self worth, self confidence, and focus more easily.
Learn to experience Peace, Bliss and Inner Stillness to Improve intuitive faculties.
What You Will
Techniques to know your Soul's Purpose in this lifetime.
Mantras to quickly purge your aura of negative energies to raise your vibrations and create total peace.
How to Meditate and Achieve Inner Stillness in 2-Minutes!
The exact location of the 12th Chakra and its function and how it is related to the Bible's Pentecostal Fire.
Secrets of your 2 Silver Cords, the Caduceus, and how they relate to Safely Awakening the Kundalini Shakti.
How to RAPIDLY IMPROVE YOUR INTUITION by expanding the size of the "communication channel" between your Higher Soul and your Incarnated soul.
Much More...
What You Will
Profound Peace, Calmness, and Clarity in the midst of a busy and chaotic work/home environment.
Greater access to your intuitive gifts so you can get the information you need, when you need it without wondering and guessing.
Receive techniques to release old emotional baggage and Discover the nature of your Soul and its journey
Know the location of the 12th and higher Chakras and Strata and it’s function Increase the “Spiritual Bridge” or Antahkharana
Connect with the "Blue Pearl" or the "Seed of Consciousness" within you to experience Inner Light and Intense Bliss.
Sheevaun Moran has the privilege of facilitating miracles, for the past 14 years with over 25,000 clients. The results have been profound and the techniques are truly miraculous.
She teaches people to release patterns and downward spiraling thoughts and energies and make miraculous changes in their lives.
Sheevaun, an author of 8 books, has taught classes throughout the world so people achieve profound health, wealth, and spirituality.
“She sees things you don’t see and can get you there fast.” -Ann Convery
Sheevaun Moran