Ep. 34 - Ignoring Your True Guide, You | Ask Sheevaun with Yanik Silver Part 4

"Are you awake to the things that are opportunities that are being shown to you that
you already have within you? Yes or no? Generally no. Sometimes it's gonna be a
hard knock on the head. Is it gonna be a guide? No, it's your programming of what
you came here to do to be like, are you serious? You're gonna keep ignoring me?..."
Join us for this Episode on Ignoring Your True Guide, You. This is the 4th of this 5-
part series on Ask Sheevaun with Yanik Silver.
What is Energy Mastery®? Energy Mastery® is THE Premier Worldwide
Certification Program for Energy Medicine, Energy Healing, Energy Hygiene & Soul
Energy Mastery® is a school to help the empaths, sensitives, healers to have
burned out, high achievers who are more interested in their sensitive sides to help
their businesses grow and be better leaders. It is also for people who are sick of
being sick and wanting to learn how to heal themselves with a process that has been
taught to over a hundred thousand students and is proven to work.
A class is offered by a certified instructor who has taken their training seriously
enough to want to share with the world. The advanced classes are taught by the
founder herself, Sheevaun Moran, as she's profoundly adept at energy, healing,
transformation, clairvoyance, and all things a highly sensitive soul would want to
achieve while growing a movement.
If you want to take a deeper dive or are just curious, go to energymastery.com


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