Energy Mastery™ Blog

An Interview with Sheevaun Moran by Biddy Tarot

interview with sheevaun




Beautiful. Well, welcome to today's special guest interview. As part of our community, I am so excited to introduce you to Sheevaun Moran, who is like an energy master. So welcome Sheevaun. I'm like super excited to have you here. How are you doing?


I'm awesome. Enjoying the energy, excited to share and just get everybody's hearts on fire. <Laugh>. Yeah,


Beautiful. And Sheevaun is just telling me she's in Mexico right now. She's writing her 18th book. Th…

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The Secret Energy of Food: An Interview with Sheevaun Moran

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Unlock your full potential by optimizing your energy levels through nutrition. Learn about the secret energy of food and how to fuel your body and mind with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Discover energy-boosting foods, the importance of digestion and hydration, and how to find the optimal nutrition plan for your unique needs. Join Sheevaun Moran, a holistic health guru and energy coach, and learn how to feel your best through the power of nutrition.

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AI, Energy and the Codes of the Universe

In computer coding there’s a thing called a root tree.

I was watching my computer do its repair thing today and it reminded me about my coding days and all the essentials needed for a good, clean code to make something work, like all the programs on my laptop.

I tend to think in code and apply that to the energy. This is mostly how the Energy Mastery® system got built. Puzzle pieces that I’d been putting together from the time I was about three years old got integrated. Then my near-death expe…

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3 Ways You’re Quitting Without Even Realizing It!


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One Little Choice…


The other night I was in a restaurant with two totally magical beings. It’s a beautiful restaurant in a beautiful place to live.

And we looked around, and so many people just looked…


I don’t mean that in a critical way. Not at all. I mean that they looked genuinely sad; Stressed. Tired. Checked out. Lonely, even.

We wondered together, “Why are these folks looking so sad?” But really, it’s no big surprise because…

…it takes a lot more effort than people think to maintain a happy headspa…

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Healing Through Possibility…

I am often asked, “How fast does healing happen when someone receives energy healing and do they need to believe in what I do.”

Having come from the pharmaceutical industry makes me think about how often this question must be asked of any person who practices orthodox medicine, works naturopathically, or any aspect of the healing arts.

This is a tricky question and one not easily answered and it is important for the client to know that the best suggestion to any person who wants to feel better…

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Did Bad Choices Shape Your Beliefs?


Every day we make choices about what is right and what is wrong. Often we don’t even remember a lot of what we chose in our day let alone our early years. Choices are driven by our many needs and shaped by our beliefs.

The real question is which beliefs are yours?

At first, choices are made by our parents supposedly in our best interest. But their choices for us are as limited as their beliefs and how much they have overcome obstacles. If they have not done the internal work, and are held …

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The Healing Power of Touch


Touch is the first sensation we feel when we come into this world. A child’s mental, emotional and physical well-being initially depends a lot on a tender touch. Doctors insist on a newborn baby being placed immediately on the mother’s bosom to feel her heartbeat and to experience the gentle touch of her arms around the body. This helps the child gain a profound sense of security and it later helps in developing their self-esteem, as an adult.

Touch is a very important sensation for human being…

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Empty Affirmations...


Have you ever spent days on end saying affirmations? Have you ever decided that you were going to think differently, only to have something that triggers you take you down the road of negativity? There is a way to overcome this challenge.

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a series of words that, when combined, can be positive or they can even be negative. For the past few years, people have been bombarded by the “think positive and it will happen” syndrome. There are movies and books a…

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Make Your Tears Count


I have a lot of client’s that sit in my office and are so determined not to cry. They sit there with their faces making contortions so that they won’t cry. It is not my job to make a client cry but it is my job to get them to feel safe enough to let go.

No matter what happens they have decided that crying is a sign of weakness. Whether their mother or father told them that grown-ups don’t cry, crying is for babies, etc., everyone needs a release.

Many of my clients also tell me that they are a…

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